After settling down on the combination of Quartz and GitHub Pages for my site it’s time to look again at my Features and Requirements to see how I can fulfill them.

  • I’ve chosen Quartz for the website’s “framework”. It’s a static-site generator that renders Markdown into HTML-JS and it makes it really easy to use from my already existing Obsidian vault and to host into GitHub Pages.
  • Since I’m a student at the time of writing and designing, I will host the page in GitHub Pages for the time being, as GitHub’s amazing Student Developer Pack comes with a free site. Be sure to check it out if you’re also a student.
  • GitHub’s Student pack goodies also include some free domain names so I’ll try to use a custom name for the page after it’s been set up.
  • I wanted to use this project to try and get some more fullstack development experience (with frameworks like Django/Flask and React/Vue), however the ease of use of Quartz+GH Pages will make it easier for me to focus on a more interesting project once I have the portfolio site set up.
  • The sections I wanted in Features and Requirements will be put in the header of the page which will be visible from anywhere within the site. I will use Obsidian backlinks to identify and correctly show the content that needs to be in each section.
  • The base style for Quartz is already pretty enough and it fulfills the requirement of the site not looking like a default Bootstrap template. It can be improved with some more custom styling in the future but for now it’s not a necessary feature.
  • The combined cost of this project after these choices is a total of 0€ a month, in no small part thanks to the GitHub Student Developer pack. Yay for free stuff!